SEO & Website Design

SEO Services

Online-Promotion.Net's search engine optimization services, SEO, cover the spectrum of website marketing and promotion.

Webpage optimization begins with mechanics, page structure, proper coding, and strictly managed content.

We optimize underlying code, from meta tags to file, page, and image naming conventions. We compose ALT tags and an extensive keyword list.

Special attention is paid to search-engine-friendly page structure. Each element on the page, tables, layers, Flash, images, and text are pre-coded and syntaxed for best possible advantage.

All code must be validated as XHTML 1.0 or newer standard compliant. W3C, the World Wide Web Consortium, standards are the governing specifications to which we always comply.

Detailed attention, line-by-line, word-by-word optimization of keyword usage, density, and syntax.


Optimization extends beyond the subject website. Online promotion, website marketing, includes aggressive marketing techniques.

Once a website is launched with proper structure, validated code, extensive keyword usage, and useful meta tags, the ongoing on-site optimization efforts consist primarily of site enhancements, new content, and modifications made in response to competitive analyses. As soon as a site is launched, most of the optimization effort refocuses on off-site marketing.

Off-site optimization is a complex, dynamic, somewhat opportunistic endeavor. Some of the common activities include:

Link networking, Local directory listings, Search engine submission, Affiliate building, Competitive analysis, Traffic analytics, Conversion analysis, Keyword tracking, Online news releases, Forum postings, Website heuristics, Market research


The exact services used to promote your website will vary slightly from those others need. Don't be sold on a preset menu of services. Your company is unique. Your business practices are unique. Web marketing (website optimization) is successful only when your company's unique features are communicated and promoted over the entire web.

Search engines are tools to be used by savvy businesses.

Online-Promotion.Net brings to you optimum online exposure and guarantees your business growth.

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